Amir Fawzy


Frontend web developer since 2016
UI/UX designer since 2017

spending most of the day coding or digging watching and searching for ui/ux inspiration designs web-wide, spending some time stackoverflow to challenge myself answering or learning to help others and get help.

i mean come on, developers spending their lives learning this field related with technology and technology evolves all the time.

started my life as graphics designer after 2 years i decide to switch and changing my whole career to web development world i loved it and still, enjoyed every minute in it and still learned a lot in this career i think that's come from my obsession with tech, then i add ui/ux (user interface / user experience) it was easy to start with it where i was a graphics designer before so i took advantage of that already knowing a many of design rules and principles with some other web resources in ux to strengthen my skills, i'm also self taught improved my skills by myself.

what you gonna learn by self taught and practicing is much valuable and harder to forget than that you learn from course or by someone

obsessed with web tech html css javascript scss pug angular and layout design architect (ui/ux) besides design system and interaction visual design.

skills: html css javascript scss pug jquery typescript angular angular material firebase angularfire git npm bootstrap semantic-ui rxjs user-experience-design user-interface-design adobe-xd photoshop illustrator design-system wireframing +more... not related with work careers.