Jaspalsinh Gohil


I started my carrier in startup, so I were not only an Android developer but also a technical consultant for our customers and partners, which gives me a knowledge that success project doesn't limited with good code. In my 3 years experience of Android development I found out and I know that I must to: - warn my client about all pitfalls, - give all necessary and important information, - bring an excellent results in proper date, - keep responsibility even if contract was ended.

Languages: Java, Kotlin, C, PHP,Android, Flutter

technologies: AdMob, Geolocation, Bluetooth, SQLite, Gradle. Libraries: OpenCV, Dagger, Retrofit, Gson, Crashlitics, Butterknife, OkHttp,Firebase Okio, Flurry, Google Analitycs, Picasso,Action Bar.

VCS: Git, SVN.

IDE: Idea, Android-Studio, Visual Studio.