Bruno Mazza


Hi everybody!

I'm delighted to be part of this community. My name is Bruno, I'm from Italy but I spent most of my life abroad for studying and working purposes. I possess a background in linguistics and far east languages and cultures (that is, I speak Mandarin and I worked in China for 3 years), but in 2017 I decided to change direction and accept the coding challenge. I started studying coding using different tools, mostly online courses (coursera, codeacademy,, etc.) and apps (SoloLearn). Now, after 3 months, I can say I'm pretty familiar with HTML, CSS and some basic JavaScript. Recently I discovered Python and fell in love with its powerful lack of redundancy. I purchased a few courses on Udemy and started diving as deep as possible into it. However, as expected, I often feel overwhelmed by the scary amount of information, but giving up is not an option. I'm interested in the Data Analysis and Data Science paths, as I find extremely enjoyable to play around with lists and values. One day (hopefully soon enough) I'd love to contribute actively to the community activities by addressing questions and being useful. For now, let's study hard! ;)