Rob Moll


BY DAY: Full-stack dev making and implementing custom ERP, MRP systems for manufacturers. I love JS and PHP with MySql. CRUD is where it's at! I make web apps that accomplish things. I also have a thorough understanding of how a manufacturing company can benefit from great software. I have been a Plant Manager and Director of Operations for manufacturing entities for many years.

BY NIGHT: Learning new coding skills. Big Udemy fan. Just finished React 16 with React-Router & Redux, and ES6 Javascript. The array helpers are awesome. Block scope is a good thing. Arrow functions make THIS sane. If only FETCH played nice with CATCH (I'll keep using axios.) I'm currently taking GIT and GITHUB Udemy course.

FOR FUN: const fun = learning ? "fun" : "no fun"

MISC: I used to swear by Jquery, but I don't feel it has a place in my workflow any longer. Kinda sad. I loved Jquery.

WHAT MAKES ME A GOOD PROGRAMMER: Tenacity. I never quit on a coding challenge. I am not the fastest coder, but I am a great researcher. Every coding challenge has already been figured out by people smarter than me. One simply has to apply dogged determination to find the answer.