

I’m Kilian Ciuffolo – a Node.JS addict with more 10 years experience as a full stack developer.

I’m particularly passionate about tooling, automation, and optimization of the software development process – just because something works, doesn’t mean it can’t be made better. I have experience with large-scale database applications, RESTful APIs, Angular apps, Cordova apps, and all the little pieces that glue the stack together. I am a Docker enthusiast. I write it. I run it. As both a project leader and individual contributor, I advocate rapid development practices, iterating on functioning code via rapid release cycles.

I focus primarily on Javascript, because of its ubiquity on the web, mobile, client, and server. I fully embrace both the good and the bad parts of the language.

I believe in the awesome power of design. I love to work with great design – beauty and usability are essential features, critical to the success of any product.

I naturally gravitate to leadership roles. I love organizing people and processes to faithfully execute the vision of a project.

I’m a devotee of the open source software community and it’s ethos. I regularly contribute to several open source projects, in addition to leading a few, such as rTail and node-apiserver.