Jánosi-Borsos Róbert


I'm a web developer currently working with Angular and Spring, among other languages. Working with angular since v2. Building single page web applications in the transportation and the retail industry using Angular 7 with Spring as back-end collecting and processing data from custom made IOT devices around Europe. Another project I'm working on is a monitoring system with a sensor network in warehouses. And many other.

My working experience includes: Angular, Javascript, TypeScript, HTML5, CSS3, JS, Laravel, JQuery, Bootstrap, Node-RED. Tools: IntelliJ, YouTrack, Postman, Confluence, GitBash, Bitbucket I also used: MySql, Java, Spring, AngularJS. I’m an active stack overflow user: https://stackoverflow.com/users/8695454/j%C3%A1nosi-borsos-r%C3%B3bert. My favourite learning sites: udemy.com, pluralsight.co, howtodoinjava.com