

I've recently got my MCSD (70-480) certificate in "Programming HTML5 applications with JavaScript & CSS3". I'm working on application developing since 15 years ago, I can remember days that I used Visual Studio 98 (C++) to program console apps! I worked on digital graphic programming for more than 10 years, and it was mainly focused on 3d development using DirectX, I've made games, simulations and small 3d apps, also I've tested mobiles, Java, Flash and Android, but at the moment I work as a .NET/web developer, trying to develop web based automation projects, web telemetry solutions and other HMI/SCADA systems, also I'm working on a 2d Flash game, my current tools basket includes Visual Studio 2010, C#, Silverlight, Flash CS4, 3d Studio MAX and a bit PHP! I just love to code in .NET systems, I'm a fan of FC Bayern Munich football club! my personal web site will be ready soon, happy coding!