

Software Engineer // Web Developer // Cloud Consultant

From front-end to full-stack, I am a passionate, well-rounded and self-motivated Developer possessing a strong hands-on knowledge of JavaScript, HTML, CSS, SQL, NoSQL, Graph DB's and cloud infrastructure. Highly proficient in full-stack JavaScript development through Node, Express, Sails, SAPui5, React and Electron. Focused on creating cross-platform, future-proofed supportability tools, web apps, mobile apps and desktop apps. I have the ability to play a key role throughout the lifecycle of a project. Customer focused, well organised and an excellent team player with a proven ability to work proactively in a technical environment.

Out of the office, I am an active learner; currently studying for an MSc in Computer Science but also never missing any opportunity to learn. I am also an active teacher; regularly hosting introduction sessions on web development, single page application development and full-stack JavaScript development. I remain very active in the software community through membership of the Irish Computer Society, the British Computer Society, Dublin NodeJS and Stack Overflow.