Warren Sergent


I write a lot of code and have a few projects online.

I started writing websites when I was at High School way back in the mid 1990's. Back then it was HTML, animated GIFs and framesets. Boy, have times changed!

As I grew, I got heavily into PHP, and have mostly followed the growth of the framework as it has also grown. Right now, I'm interested in enhancing my skillset in some of the up and coming front-end technologies, and to get my hands dirty with .

I worked as a Web Development Team Lead with 4mation Technologies in Sydney, Australia for the last 7 years - they're a Web Development Agency, with a large variety of clients and projects. It's been a great opportunity to learn and grow.

I've also kept a few of my own projects running, and work for a few clients as a freelancer as well.

I'm always looking to learn more, and to share what knowledge I have wherever I can via Stack Overflow.

Always open to new opportunities to learn and develop!