
I am a Software Engineer on the Developer Productivity/Infrastructure team at Uber ATG. I specialize in:

  • Using terraform to create infrastructure on AWS.
  • Create and manages 200+ CI pipelines on Buildkite.
  • Developing internal tools using Go and Python interfacing with Github, Vscode, Phabricator.
  • Provide observability metrics to the org by creating an end to end service to scrape various data from the internal codebase.

I enjoy the thrill of tackling new problems. I also enjoy collaborating with others, because I often learn something new and have the opportunity to share what I know with others, I find it very rewarding. Beyond software development, I enjoy the challenge of creating algorithms and continuously improving their run-time efficiency. Because why not get the most performance possible out of a piece of code?

reach me at awesomeoliverkoo@gmail.com