Niraj Sanghani


Developed Software Solutions in field of Real Time Data, Distributed Microservies, Big Data, Geo information Services Etc.

Use of Apache Kafka, Reactive Programming, Java 8, 9.

GIS services of Raster and Vector processing, Rote-maping from Geospatial Data. Used Docker, Jenkins, CloudStack, etc. for DevOps.

Familiar with all major cloud Paas, and Saas services, and used many in production.

Have Developed Distributed, Horizontal Scalable, Solution Using Apache Kafak, Zookeeper for real Time Data processing and Solution 2 Lac Records/sec

GIS: Have developed solution from scratch Satellite raster reading and viewing of ~600GB with in 1 second. Road Navigation from Geospatial Data without 3rd party services.

Many other Gis services for raster, vector and Data processing.

Have used Postgres, Mssql, Mogodb BigTable, CouchDb, RethinkDb and many other sql and No-Sql databases.

Also used Caching services such as Redis, Memcache.

Have Used Reverse proxies such as Nginx and HAProxy