

I am a creative person, I love to study solutions to apply at problems. Every hobby of mine, every personal satisfaction are usually results of projects studied before. I do not give up easily. I've always been defined as a man that's not afraid of efforts. I give the best to myself in everything I do. I use to fight for what I want, it doesn't matter if it's love, work or friendship.

I grew up with the mentality that you have to earn and deserve every little achievement in your life. I am democratic, I love to listen to other people's opinions. I consider this as an important investment in my future personality. Every discussion, every confrontation is a way to get better on myself.

I can give the best to myself working alone or in a team. I have a good adaptability for each kind of situations.

I love to program everything. This is why I choose the life of the software engineer. I fell in love with the idea of solve problems with creativity and good intentions. In my opinion is really important to continue studying every year of my life. Our world is moving up every day, we have to stay updated on latest technologies, news and whatever.