Mihai Georgescu


Hello, I am Mihai,

Besides my technical experience, I am also a very nice person, I am a team player, I love challenges, and I always try to improve and evolve, I do not like boring and recurring jobs. I am proactive and I like to be involved in more parts of the project, not just the mobile development. I won't say that I am the best, because I am not, but I also don't think that you should hire somebody that fits a specific pattern, when ever I interview people, I appreciate more wisdom than experience, hope you are doing the same.

I am working on iOS since 2011, and started with Swift since 2016. I use reactive programming(RxSwift) since 2017. I am speaking English, French and Spanish and I live in Tenerife, and work remotely from here.
I am working remotely for Kolibree(Paris based) and I worked remotely for NewStore(Berlin based) for 2 years. I am used to working remotely and go to the office for a couple of days every 1-2 months,

I am doing this for almost 4 years.

I like privacy, doing DIY projects, cooking and working out. I think with hard work you can do any job, at a mediocre level.

You should try to gather as much information from as many domains as possible, this is how you will improve and grow, even if you think that it doesn't have anything to do with your current skills, or job.

Don't be an I person, be a T.

Regards, Mihai