Juan Camilo Giraldo Chaverra


I’m a software engineer with over 4 years of experience developing software solutions. I have had the opportunity to work both on backend and frontend applications, mainly in javascript related ones. As far as backend concerns, I have experience working with nodejs using express framework for web servers, docker containerization and mongodb for the database layer. In the other hand, for frontend solutions I have worked with angular 2 framework using Typescript as well as React.js + redux using pure javascript. Some libraries I have had the opportunity to work with are: angular material, ngrx, react-redux, mongoose, auth0, JWT among others. I’ve developed CI/CD workflows using CircleCI and Codeship CI, integrating services like GitHub with automatic deployments to Heroku PasS and firebase for a seamless development and deployment process.

About other interests I have, I’m looking forward into learning mobile application development using react native, docker orchestration using kubernetes, OSS contributions, new ECMAScript specifications and blogging through this journey of learning new things every day and apply them on daily basis to deliver an excellent quality software.