

I'm a Frontend developer, working as a fullstack using javascript in server (with node) and client side.

Trying to not get attached or focused in specific technologies, frameworks or libraries, I'm always searching for new trends, getting much as possible from the new frameworks and libraries.

In the past, I've worked massively with AngularJS and Angular (in the version 5), but I'm working with React now. When I'm searching for something more cool, I go with Vue.

What I love to use/do? - In Every project that uses JavaScript, I use ES6+ (with Babel), because old JavaScript is for the browsers, not for humans; - I love to use webpack and RxJS in projects that I'm participating/developing, following best code practices. - In CSS, I'm using BEM pattern. I like to follow mobile first design too, always looking for "what is best for small screens"! - In React/Angular projects I tend to use Flux concept, working with Redux.

Skills: - Pre-Processors: EJS in HTML, SASS in CSS. - Task-Runners: GulpJS. - Module Bundler: Webpack. - Framework: Angular or Vue; - Libraries: React and RxJS; - Flux libraries: Redux, ngRX and Vuex;