

I define myself as a "Full Stack" developer because I am "multi-skilled". I can work on both FrontEnd and BackEnd. I worked mainly in Microsoft .NET (C#) + SQL Server environment but sometimes I had to work with other technologies.

On the FrontEnd side, I developed a lot of mobile applications for Windows Mobile and Windows CE (Compact Framework) but also many desktop applications for Windows (WinForms). I also worked a bit with Xamarin (but I would like to devote a lot more time to it). I developed several web applications using Angular.

On the BackEnd side, I developed many Web Services and Web API's (ASP. NET) as well as background task applications. I also consider myself as an application / solution architect. Indeed, I like to think about the best solutions to solve problems. My brain needs this! I also like to exchange and share ideas with my team.

I like coding and I like clean code. I like to read and write clear, readable, well-organized, scalable and maintainable code that respects best practices as much as possible. I always try to encourage my team/colleagues to do the same. I always try to keep up-to-date with best practices, design patterns and technological progresses.

I'm also an InfoSec enthusiast, I like to keep myself informed of the latest flaws / breaches / leak revealed by the InfoSec community. I always try to apply the safety recommendations in my own developments.