Abhishek Kumar


I am a Open Source enthusiast and a Computer Science undergraduate currently studing in final year in Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra, India.

I was always fascinated by the idea of BigData, Machine learning and AI in general. the concept that ‘Machine can think?’ had a great impact and made me to dig dipper into the subject. My research interest and orientation is greatly inspired by the recent activities around the globe in the domain of AI, I have tried to keep myself directed to the research areas which seem to have the potential of solving Machine intelligence.

I am currently working on supervised, unsupervised and reinforcement machine learning algorithms, I haveused these techniques for clustering, classification and prediction. I am also working to understand the various Python libraries such as NumPy, SyPy, scikit-learn, Pandas and TensorFLow for a better understanding of the data and how it can be visualized and results can be inferred from that.

Having gained a lot from Open Source World and also have worked as a Web Developer in my initial years, I always try to do my bit by contributing back, mainly on Github and by spreading the word about FOSS.

I am always looking out for better research and career opportunities and projects in the field of in the field of my interest and research areas. Feel free to get in touch.

Have a Happy day ahead :)