

Software Engineer and DevOps evangelist with experience in Linux Administration, Continuous Integration & Deployment, Configuration Management, Infrastructure Automation, Cloud Orchestration, Microservices, Containerization and Project Management.

I have worked for organizations such as IONICA, Vancity and UBC to embrace DevOps culture by implementing end-to-end automation pipelines in order to deliver reliable and battle-tested software continuously and efficiently. In addition, I have led a team of 5 students on a web application project that aggregates internship opportunities for engineering and computer science students.

I also participate in case competitions and hackathons and won First Place in DubHacks in Seattle and multiple awards in other hackathons such as nwHacks. I have received scholarships such as Neekoo and A.W. Vaughan Scholarship for Top All-Round Students.

Skilled in Python, Java, C++, Bash, Django, WordPress, Linux (Debian & RedHat), Jenkins, Ansible, Terraform, Apache, NGINX, Microsoft Azure, AWS, GCP, Heroku, Selenium, JUnit, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Firebase, Docker, Vagrant and more.

If you’d like to get in touch or if you have questions about my work, don’t hesitate to contact me.