

I'm a Software Developer for Crisp, Inc. – a fully remote company in the data analytics space for food suppliers. I graduated in May 2012 from the University of Toledo in Ohio, during which I interned at DoX Systems, LLC. as a software developer (and later became a lead software developer). From there, I moved to Albuquerque to work for Ultramain before leaving that job to work at SambaSafety. At SambaSafety, I started as an engineer and eventually got promoted into architecture, and I worked there during a major digital transformation, migrating from a 7-year-old app running on servers in a data center in downtown ABQ to an independently scalable app running in AWS/Pivotal Cloud Foundry utilizing a microservice architecture.

I have significant experience in many platforms, especially in concurrency, I/O, generics, reflection/introspection, JWS, Hibernate/JPA, EJB, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, JMS, Spring/Spring Boot, SSO, Vue, Camel, Grails, Groovy, Kotlin, Gradle, Maven, Ant, JAXB, Reactor Java, AWS, GCP, PCF, Kubernetes, Docker, and more.

I also have significant architecture experience, especially in designing, iterating, framing, and implementing microservice patterns using technologies such as PCF and Kubernetes.

At DoX, I was part of a small development team developing a plugin-based framework from scratch in Java SE, where I gained most of my experience with Java and framework design/development.

At Ultramain, I was the team leader of the framework team, where we developed new features for the Java EE/JWS based system here. The whole system was processed dynamically using XML-specified views, DTOs, DAOs, validators, etc. written by business developers, and operated on top of JBoss, Hibernate, and Swing.

At SambaSafety, I started as a software engineer on Java and Groovy systems built primarily on Spring 3/4/Boot, Grails, JMS, and REST. I also did off-and-on scrum mastering for our scrum development cycles, a role that fit well with my team lead experience at Ultramain. I was promoted to Software Architect, where I coordinated between the product and engineering teams to design integration patterns between systems in a polyglot platform to create a unified, data-driven application.

At Crisp, I bring my architecture and data analytics experience from SambaSafety to bear, spearheading the effort to move the company's main product from a forecasting system to a data aggregation and analytics platform. Here, I gained experience with Google Cloud Platform (as a whole), Kubernetes, Kotlin, Selenium, APIs across multiple retailer platforms, GCS, BigQuery, GCP monitoring (formerly known as Stackdriver), Prometheus, Grafana, Pub/Sub, GraphQL APIs (includes writing servers, clients, and setting up a federated Apollo gateway), gRPC, and more. After becoming the de facto team lead of my team, we're going continue growing the platform into an enterprise-ready platform to meet scalability and compliance requirements as we grow as a company.