Rajarshi basu


I Study in Salt Lake School, Kolkata, India.I am currently in 9'th standard.I started codeing from 12 years old and now I am 14.I started with QB64 as it was being taught at our school at that time. I started writing some games in it(the basics.. ping pong,snake,spaceshooter, pacman etc.) and after six months , switched over to java and practiced it for the next nine months quite rigorously along with OO design principles and patterns and lots and lots of code.Also wrote some games in java.Best was a chessengine that could play really well and sometimes even beats me(I am a tournament chess player,for that matter).Then I started practicing for IOI in USACO, codechef and cofeforces.A couple of months ago , I passed OCA (Oracle certification for java) and am looking forward to giving OCP in November or December.I also play chess, play the keyboard(although not that good:)) and like to do maths.I also learnt to play badminton and am OK at cricket and football.