A. Markóczy



Math fanatic Nerd-Hippie from Switzerland with a passion for problem solving and all kinds of programming languages. Studied 2.5 years as Timber construction engineer without success, now discovered my real passion and studying BSc. information technology at Bern, University of applied Siences. Also working 80% at Pentag AG, the most rocking coding team in Bern!


Besides working and studying, I work on my own coding projects (see my GitHub account), do party (rock and all kinds of electronic music), do sports (at least i try hehe) and computer games (nodstradamus@steam|psn). My favourite TV shows are: Breaking Bad, Babylon 5, Outer Limits, Star Trek TNG and South Park.


  • ComplexCalculator(C++/C#)/JComplexCalculator(Java): Powerful homebrew math lib capable of parsing and storing complex math functions, plotting functions in 2d, logic tables and more. At least at the level of the SpeedCrunch Calculator i'd say even higher, but more important: it's entirely open source! (GPL, available at GitHub)

  • JInfinityLib(Java): A numbers implementation that is entirely based on the theory of formal mathematics. It allows to create numbers of almost unlimited accuracy and length while bewaring a strict differentiation between the calculation and the representation layer (i.e. the number 1/3 will be stored as 1/3 but shown as 0.333..). Also has a prototype implementation for real numbers (roots, pi, e).

  • KVNote(Java): KeyValue Notepad is a productivity tool based on JFX that uses an SQLite DB to store notes. I've essentially made this program for myself to store code snippets and other information for work or private. It's strong because it is fast to use, (faster than opening OneNote and creating a new Section etc.) and well customizable. Also password encryption coming soon..! (Available at GitHub, all feedback is welcome)