Steven Levine


Experienced JVM Architect/Engineer who focuses on delivering high quality scalable solutions. Enjoy solving big picture problems like deciding Architectures, Cloud Providers, Frameworks, but enjoy sitting down and coding solutions as well.

Well versed in Java technologies like Java 8, Spring, Hibernate, Tomcat, Maven, among others. As well as Scala technologies like Akka, Spray, Streams, Spark, among others. Have great experience building and deploying RESTFull services to Cloud providers like AWS, Cloud Foundry, and Open Stack. Pride myself on understanding all of the latest and greatest infrastructure technologies such as RabbitMQ, Cassandra, Redis, Hazelcast, AWS Big Data Platform, Docker, among others.

Very interested in improving team and developer efficiency by introducing Agile practices like Scrum, as well as improving the automation and repeatability of builds using tools like Maven, SBT Jenkins, and TeamCity.