Aakash Tushar

• 5+ years of professional experience in the Industry with development, domain modeling. 
• Good experience on building dynamic web applications using technologies like PHP, SQL, Linux, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX, Python, Java. 
• I have good ability to quickly grasp and master new concepts and technologies. Experience in deployment on Docker & Linux Servers & MySQL & Apache & PHP application servers. 
• Designed and developed Applications in all the major versions of the PHP.
• Experience in Model View Control (MVC) architecture based frameworks like Symfony, Laravel, Zend. 
• Developed Restful API to connect with various services for storing and retrieving data stored in the database.
• Extensive experience in installing, integrating packages in php using composer. 
• Comprehensive experience in full SDLC development in PHP, Objective Oriented frameworks, MVC architecture. 
• Well versed with multiple version control tools like Git GUI, Source Control, GitKraken, Fork.  
• Highly motivated, reliable analytical problem solver and troubleshooter with strong attention to detail. 
• Front-end development using Bootstrap and jQuery, with responsive designs and adaptive for mobile.