Paul Shryock


I’m a Lead Front End Developer and Web Designer with 10 years experience developing and designing responsive websites, apps, and digital products for enterprise clients, agencies, and startups.

I love using code to solve real-world problems for people. Whether I’m developing a website that helps tech companies register as sponsors and exhibitors for a conference, coding an app that helps real estate agents discover and access discounted products and services provided by their brokerage office, or rewriting a digital agency’s portfolio and marketing website to help them convert more leads into customers—it all comes down to helping real people overcome tough challenges and achieve big goals.

My expertise combines Front End Development and Web Design with SEO, Marketing, Information Architecture, UX, and Graphic Design. I have learned and practiced a wide skillset while working with industry leaders like Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, Ogilvy, McCann, Coldwell Banker, Century 21, Better Homes and Gardens, GSK, and Novartis. My web design work has been featured in Photoshop User magazine. I currently work at Realogy, a leading global franchisor of some of the most recognized brands in real estate. I also work part-time at Palantir, a software company founded by Peter Thiel that specializes in big data analytics.

I code with HTML, CSS (Grid and Flexbox), JavaScript, ES6, Node.js, PHP, and some SQL. My code prioritizes accessibility, performance, security, and progressive enhancement. I can integrate JSON and REST APIs, MySQL and MariaDB relational databases, and Markdown content files using templating languages like Liquid, Nunchucks, and EJS.

I use Git and Github for version control. I also know Content Management Systems like Netlify CMS, WordPress, Cockpit and others. Lately I’ve gotten into Static Websites Generators like Eleventy and Jekyll to build JAMstack sites deployed to Netlify using Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment. I use Sketch for quick mockups and asset creation, and I know front end frameworks like Tailwind CSS, Bootstrap, and jQuery for quick dev prototypes to get stakeholder buy-in, if needed.

I also design marketing collateral, print publications, and brand identities with Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator and Acrobat.

I’m used to working with teams of designers, developers, project managers and coordinators, creative and art directors, copywriters and editors, vendors, clients, and other executive stakeholders. I like finding a healthy balance working remotely and on-site for face-to-face collaboration.