Michał Lepczyński


I've been programming 3d graphics in C/C++ under DOS in the 90's before graphical cards did 3d for ya, then I parted with computers for years and since ~2013 I am enjoying a come-back to IT.

Professionally I work almost 2 years now with Java and Spring.

In my spare time I program micro-controlers (esp8266, rasPi) in C++ (platformio, turning towards Sming) and microPyhton.

I'm also learning hosting my own services on rasPi and OdroidXu4 (nextCloud, git, ssh..), I'm a Xubuntu fan.

I love making gadgets with addressable LEDs (ws2812, apa102), tiny OLED screens, I've built a Prusa RepRap i2 3d printer.