Rahul Desai


I am a full stack Javascript developer.

I am here on StackOverflow to learn and help. I am active in the Javscript chatroom and HTML / CSS / WebDesign chatroom.

Resources / Opinions:

Some awesome front-end resources:

Miscellaneous, but useful / thoughtful:

  • Sturgeon's law - ninety percent of everything is crap
  • "The best way to get the right answer on the Internet is not to ask a question, it's to post the wrong answer."
  • First rule of functional programming - let the functions do the work. - Douglas Crockford
  • "Look how smart I am!" or "Look how easy it is!" ? - think about it.
  • Its always easy to write a program from scratch, but how about reusing your/somebody's code?
  • German Overengineering
  • Java is to JavaScript what Car is to Carpet.