ketan Shah


I'm a software engineer working for a company that makes softwares for ATM machines (I wish i could hack them, but do not ask me how). Primarily all the work there goes on C#. But once in a while i get issues to solve with the Javascript files, HTML, CSS or sometimes XML formatting and stuff. Although I've completed my bachelor's I'm still learning my way into hardcore programming and solving issues faster. This includes practising on small and big problems, learning new programming languages, working on polishing object-oriented programming concepts, learning Regex along with working on my thinking skills, psychological maturity, deduction and analytical skills and emotional maturity. Eventually I want to be able to confidentally contribute to multiple Open source projects, but currently i'm in a newb (noob) stage where I'm exploring everything. I even got my hands on Logo designing, lame animation and designing. One more thing I need to work on is my communication skills.