

Frontend Developer

Programming Frontend since 2010

Work with angular framework since 2012.

Strong knowledge:

  • Angular
  • JavaScript
  • (Typescript)
  • NodeJs
  • Git

Familiarized and have experience:

  • Docker
  • MongoDB
  • D3Js, GoJs

My abilities:

  • Frontend Developer (Javascript/HTML5/CSS3)
  • Chrome Extension
  • Single Page Application (Angular)
  • Improve UI performance
  • The client-side of RESTfull API

How many developers have got macOS, Windows, a device with Android, and a device with iOs? I've got all of them and got the ability to test your project everywhere. So your project will be Сross-browser compatible.

Just remember any app on your mobile phone or web app which interface is powerful but has ugly performance or where you have to wait for the finish of strange animation and it often freezes. Do you like to use such applications? I hate it. So your project will be smooth, animated, and user-friendly.

I like projects which are convenient and useful for customers and profitable for owners. I think only this way allows us to make progress in a project.