Marc Pou


My dream is building a better and a fair world! I want to contribute to this dream investigating behavior patterns of people. In other words, I'm entering in the world of SNA (Social Network Analysis), using Graph Databases (like Neo4j) to bring innovative solutions and knowledge through fast pretotype built with Python, Ruby or Java. Studying people behavior (in other words, data that Data Analyst usually don't look for) we can understand why people do what do, and how we can help the community. The challenge is big, but the passion to reach it is bigger!

I've been working as a Product Manager in Marketing Department and previously as a Project Manager in the Technical Team, both cases with International Teams. I've a high capacity to adapt myself to different situations, environments and challenges. I like to learn from the team and people than knows more than me. And I like to share all the knowledge that I have, to empower teams.

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Marc's Innovation Blog

999 Things that make me happy