
Experienced Android Developer with experience building and maintaining successful android application while utilizing the most up to date technologies.

  • Xtreme programming practice, Test-Driven Development (TDD), Behavioural Driven Development (BDD), CI/CD.
  • Good analytical, logical & decision-making skills combined with experience in Object-Oriented programming techniques.
  • Hands-on experience in Spring boot development.
  • Monitoring and logs using Splunk.
  • Proficient in developing Android enterprise applications for mobiles and tablets using IDE’s like Android SDK, Android Studio, Eclipse IDE and Android ADT development tools in the Java environment.
  • Familiar with the material design using different Layouts, Views and Widgets.
  • Involved in debugging the application, production bugs fixing and enhancing the app.
  • Good experience in Android Architecture Patterns MVC/MVP/MVVM with Dagger, Hilt, RxJava & RxAndroid.
  • Good experience in using multiple android components such as Activity, Fragments, Service, Intent, Broadcast receiver, Content providers, etc.
  • Good experience working with open-source libraries such as Firebase, Google Map API, Retrofit, GSON, Picasso, Butter Knife.
  • Proficient in integrating third-party API and web socket into Android applications.
  • Good at managing the backend data by using Shared Preference, Room, SQLite database, Realm.
  • Optimize CPU, memory, I/O, network and battery usage in Android applications.
  • Strong willingness to learn and seek new technology and high-performance solution.
  • Programming - Java, Kotlin, Node.js, PHP (Pure, Codeigniter), HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX.
  • Experienced with version control systems (VCS) - Git, GitHub, Bitbucket.
  • IDE - Android Studio, PHP Storm, PyCharm, Atom, Eclipse, Intellij, NetBeans
  • Other - XD CC, Zeplin.