Mahesh Gareja


I am passionate about perfecting my way of helping others, because when you help others, you help yourself simply because you feel better,(If humor appropriate:) and the potential for favors is nice, too

Honestly I never knew what I wanted to be. Just went on with the wind, the wind blown by my parents. I knew I was technical, so did my parents. Probably the reason why they thought of Engineering for me than Medical.

I ended up doing BE(Bachelor of Engineering ) and at that point I knew I love Command Line Applications and Operating Systems more that the GUIs. I was getting more and more crazy about Systems. Linux and C were the biggies for me.

I joined a startup (Solutelabs Technolabs LLP) at Ahmadabad in 2015. I had significant hands-on with the Web Development, Standard relational databases such as MySQL or PostgreSQL, Versioning control system, EC2 and RDS.