Doris Chen


Dr. Doris Chen Twitter @doristchen

Doris is a Senior Technology Evangelist at Microsoft for the Western region of the United States, specialized in web technologies (HTML5, jQuery, JavaScript, Winodws 8, Ajax, and Java).
Doris has over 15 years of experience in the software industry working in several open source web tier technologies, Java platform, .NET and distributed computing technologies. She has developed and delivered over 400 keynotes, technical sessions, code camps worldwide, published widely at numerous international conferences and user groups including HTML5 Dev Conference, O’Reilly, WebVisions, JavaOne, SD Forum, HTML5 and JavaScript meetups, and worldwide User Groups. Doris works very closely to create and foster the open source community around Java, NetBeans, Glassfish, and related technologies. Before joining Microsoft, Doris Chen was a Technology Evangelist at Sun Microsystems. Doris received her Ph.D. from the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) in computer engineering, specializing in medical informatics. She loves to travel and she has visited 48 countries (out of 872) so far. In her spare time, she also enjoys music, movies and museums.