Channa Jayamuni


I am a software engineer who has 7+ years of working experience in different technologies and skills which include Software Analyzing, Architectural Designing, Coding (both backend and frontend/full stack), Cloud Integration, Cloud Computing, Dev-ops and Software Quality Assurance. I would like to introduce myself as a tech geek in serval programming languages, and I spend my leisure time by coding, reading and trying out new things to hone my skills in new programming languages, architectural styles and algorithms. Microservice Architecture, Machine Learning, Service Oriented Architecture and Big Data processing are my favourite areas of study.

Since childhood, I have been attracted to software engineering and coding. So, I started coding at an early stage of my life and managed to master several programming languages in a short period of time. I have proved myself a fast learner in software engineering contexts. I believe I have a higher degree in problem-solving skills.

I am a hard worker! I aim towards goals and provide my maximum effort to get them done. I enjoy sharing my knowledge with my teammates and learning something new from them. I have experience in conducting KT sessions for teammates. I have experience in Scrum and Kanban project management environments.

I would like to work with Microservices, Cloud Platforms, and Machine Learning technologies by providing my expertise and effort. My most preferred technologies are Java, Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, and Amazon Web Services. I am looking for any chance to work with Machine Learning in a commercial software project. I would also enjoy working with cutting-edge technologies and software architectures.