Alessio Palmero Aprosio


Currently, I am a researcher at Digital Humanities Group in Fondazione Bruno Kessler.

From 2001 to 2006 I studied at University of Pavia and got my Laurea Specialistica (Master Degree) in Mathematics. Afterwards, I worked as a freelance programmer until 2010. Thanks to this work experience, I got good programming skills and learnt to program (mainly in php) in big web projects which goal was the customer satisfaction.

In 2010 I came back to university and started my academic career, enrolling at University of Milan as a PhD student in Computational Linguistics and Semantic Web. I spent most of the time in Trento at Fondazione Bruno Kessler. In the same years I attended the Master of Communication of Science at SISSA in Trieste.

In 2013, after my PhD dissertation, I worked for Machine Linking, an innovative startup in Trento.

From 2014 to 2016 I continued my research in Semantic Web and Big Data at Data and Knolwedge Management in Fondazione Bruno Kessler. In 2016 I moved to the Digital Humanities unit.