Rohit Luthra


Full-Stack developer with more than 5 years of experience.

  • Hands-on experience in creating RESTful web services using Express.Js(Node.Js), GraphQL server and Java 8(Spring Boot).
  • Experience working with NoSQL as well as Rdbms databases like MongoDB, MySQL.
  • Experience in developing Single Page Responsive Applications (SPA)/MicroFrontends using HTML5, SASS/CSS, JavaScript, React.js, React Context API, GraphQl Hooks, Angular2.x/4.x, NextJS, Redux & Redux-Saga.
  • Experience in developing WebApps with full support for Accessibility(508/a11y).
  • Experience in working with Cloud technologies/Cloud Services: CloudFront, S3, EC2, Heroku, Digital Ocean and Firebase.
  • Hands-on experience in Unit testing frameworks Jest, Enzyme, React Testing Library and E2E testing framework TestCafe, Selenium.
  • Proficient in Reusable React.JS library Integration and development.
  • Proficient in Mobile development using React-Native/Flutter.
  • Experience in using version controlling systems like TFS and GIT.


  • Languages JavaScript, HTML, XML, CSS, Core Java
  • Databases MySQL, MongoDB
  • Scripting PowerShell Script, Shell Script
  • Frameworks Ext.js, React.js, Redux, Redux-Saga, React Native, Angular2, Express.js, Node.js, Spring
  • Development Tools Visual Studio Code, MS Visual Studio 2012, MS Visual Studio 2015, Eclipse
  • Platforms Windows, MacOS and Linux
  • Cloud Heroku, AWS EC2 & S3, EvenNode, Docker, Container,
  • Others Rest APIs,
  • Software’s Photoshop, CorelDraw, QuarkXPress
  • Code Versioning TFS, VSTS, Git, GitHub, GitLab, Bit-Bucket


  • First Prize in On the Spot Software Development Competition in I.T FEST at Guru Gobind Singh College Sec-26, Chandigarh.
  • First Prize in On the Spot Software Development Competition in I.T FEST in OSMIUM’ 2012 I.T FEST at Govt. College Sec-42, Chandigarh.
  • Second Prize in On the Spot Software Development Competition in PHOENIX I.T FEST at S.D College Sec-32, Chandigarh.
  • Second Prize in On the Spot Software Development Competition in I.T FEST at Dev Smaj College Sec-45, Chandigarh.
  • Second Prize in On the Spot Software Development Competition in OSMIUM I.T FEST at Govt. Girls College Sec-42, Chandigarh.
  • Second Prize in On the Spot Software Development Competition in TechManthan 2012 I.T FEST at PGGC Sec-11, Chandigarh.