Rajesh Shetty


Experienced Software Engineer with a demonstrated history of working in the computer software industry. Skilled in Android,Java,NoSQL, Node.js,Design Patterns and Project Management. Strong engineering professional with a Master of Computer Applications (MCA) focused in Computer Science from NMAMIT Nitte..

I learn new stuff every day to be on a top of Android technologies and best practices. I have been working with Android more than 3 years and I'm working with technologies like:

★ Android ★ Java ★ Gradle (Groovy) ★ JSON ★ GIT ★ DESIGN PATTERNS

I have experience with Android Studio, Eclipse.

I have experience work with Android mobile, tablets, knowledge with base Android components like Activities, Fragments, Services, and eth.

I often use in project libraries and tools like Android Support Library,Google Play Services, ButterKnife, EventBus, Volley , Glide, ExoPlayer and another common libraries.

I'm trying to follow in my project code style, best practices, and use documentation. and best experience of OOP programming: patterns, REST, UML and eth.

By the way, I interesting in time-management and management overall. I'm loving to be a team member. It's a great opportunity to share your experience and meet a great people.

My profile https://www.linkedin.com/in/rajesh-shetty-98a5b228/

Hope you will enjoy work with me :)