Gouda Elalfy


Professional technical team leader, and senior software developer for almost 10 years, good business and database analyst, have a leadership skills, a strong background in ERP, CRM, and other open sources applications, specialized in multi programming languages and database engines:

PHP, Laravel, Symfony, Codeigniter, CakePHP. Redis, Memcached , Elastic Search. RESTful APIs, Authentication, Authorization, OAuth2, JWT (Json Web Token), Laravel Passport. SQL, MySQL, SQL Server, Optimization, DB Design, System analysis and design, ERD, DFD. JavaScript, Jquery, Angular, CSS, HTML, HTML5, Ajax, XML, PHP Documenter, Smarty. GIT, Mercurial, SVN, Linux, Jira, Bitbucket, toggl, Testing. Apache, Nginx, and IIS. Open Source Applications: ERP, CRM, E-commerce, And others. MVC, Singleton, Factory, And other Design Patterns.
ORM (Doctrine , Eloquent). OOP, UML, PSR coding standards, Agile Methodologies. E-clipse, Netbeans, Notepad++, Visual Studio 2005. C#, SQL Server, ASP.NET.