

Need friends to talk about Information Science and play videogames.

I started play games when i was 3 years old. I was shocked by Spectrum 48k & Commodore 64. I spent many hours programming and playing for these systems (Learning 8-BIT Basic). When i was 8 my father bought my first AT-PC 286 @ 4.16MHZ With Vga 256 Colors Adapter & Adlib FM SoundCard. From this moment, i have only one best friend... My inseparable PC.

Working as System Administrator and spending my whole life with the science of information, i'm trying to growing up day to day my skills.

Also i'm programming various Windows aplications under various programming languajes C,C++,Delphi,C# & VB.NET

And now Web Applications on Bare Metal PHP

Trying to make games in C++ with Allegro & Microsoft XNA but i haven't much time to do this... :(

Now also i am spending my little time i have to know how to develop Android applications. (This is the future)

Updated 02/05/12 - I have done my own FullScreen DirectX accelerated Win32 Mame FrontEnd for my future Arcade Cabinet... Performs wonderful on a P4 machine with an integrated Intel GPU and 256Mb of RAM showing a mega grow list of games.

Updated 07/05/12 - I have bought an Arduino UNO Motherboard to make my own electronic devices.

Updated 10/10/2012 - I'm starting to develop and mastering for Windows 8 (Not all bad as people is saying.)

Updated 10/11/2012 - Currently developing side-screen horizontal shooter C++ & SDL.

Updated 02/02/2013 - Taking Android lessons.

Updated 20/03/2013 - Finished my MAME Frontend KikFrontX.

Updated 20/04/2013 - Started RPG Indie VideoGame

Updated 20/04/2013 - Finished Bing Translator Windows Desktop Application

Updated 13/05/2013 - Finished a composition Digital Words

Updated 16/05/2013 - Finished my WebApi WebServices

Updated 23/06/2013 - Finished my Official Website : http://www.turric4n.com

One of my best skills are the music production on a professional level. Working with Trackers, Sequencers, Synthetizers, VSTS, Turntables and OldSchools musicmachines.

I prefer FPS, RPG, Realtime Stategy Based Games & Turn Strategy Based Games.

Any questions or greets, mail to me : turric4n@turric4n.com

Greetings ;)