

daxim is a 40 year old German living in Austria. He has seen programming languages come and go, but Perl stuck. He enjoys doing things with the Web and system programming on Linux and likes consuming well-written documentation as well. He finds testing exciting. Five modules so far found their way to (?:Back|C)PAN.

Hobbies include wiki-gnoming, languages, drinking Club-Mate, music games, majiang and visiting the local Mongers and conferences (see below). He actually had to look up how to write a short bio to remember how to do it because he usually avoids things like that.

  • German Perl Workshop 2006/Bochum (attendee)
  • YAPC::Europe 2007/Vienna (speaker)
  • German Perl Workshop 2008/Erlangen (speaker)
  • YAPC::Europe 2008/Copenhagen (speaker)
  • Linuxwochenende 2008/Vienna (speaker)
  • TwinCity Perl Workshop 2008/Vienna—Bratislava (speaker)
  • YAPC::Europe 2009/Lisbon (speaker)
  • Linuxwochenende 2009/Vienna (speaker)
  • Beijing Perl Workshop 2009 (speaker)
  • International QA Hackathon 2010/Vienna (organiser, participant)
  • Linuxwochen 2010/Vienna (in charge of fair stand)
  • German Perl Workshop 2010/Stuttgart (speaker)
  • YAPC::Europe 2010/Pisa (speaker)
  • Linuxwochenende 2010/Vienna (speaker)
  • openSUSE Conference 2010/Nürnberg (speaker)
  • Austrian Perl Workshop 2010/Vienna (organiser)
  • Plat_Forms Contest 2011/Nürnberg (Perl community liaison, winner in the category Perl)
  • International QA Hackathon 2011/Amsterdam (organiser, participant)
  • Linuxwochen 2011/Vienna (in charge of fair stand)
  • OpenBio Codefest 2011/Vienna (community liaison)
  • Desktop Summit 2011/Berlin (attendee)
  • YAPC::Europe 2011/Riga (speaker)
  • Linuxwochenende 2011/Vienna (speaker)
  • German Perl Workshop 2011/Frankfurt (speaker)
  • TwinCity Perl Workshop 2011/Vienna—Bratislava (organiser, speaker)
  • German Perl Workshop 2012/Erlangen (speaker)
  • International QA Hackathon 2012/Paris (participant)
  • YAPC::Europe 2012/Frankfurt (speaker)
  • X.Org Developer Conference/Nürnberg (attendee)
  • Austrian Perl Workshop 2012 (organiser, speaker)
  • German Perl Workshop 2013/Berlin (speaker)
  • Linuxwochen 2013/Vienna (in charge of fair stand)
  • Polish Perl Workshop 2013/Warszawa (speaker)
  • YAPC::Europe 2013/Kiev (speaker)
  • Austrian Perl Workshop 2013/Salzburg (speaker)
  • jQuery Europe Conference 2014/Vienna (attendee)
  • German Perl Workshop 2014/Hannover (speaker)
  • Austrian Perl Workshop 2014/Salzburg (speaker)
  • JSConf 2015/Budapest 2015 (attendee)
  • The Perl Conference 2017/Amsterdam (speaker)
  • German Perl Workshop 2018/Gummersbach (speaker)
  • The Perl Conference 2018/Glasgow (speaker)
  • PerlCon 2019/Riga (speaker)