Praveen Kumar Purushothaman


Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Award


Mentoring Session

I am available for mentoring sessions at following:

Hire me on Hackhands
Contact me on Codementor
Contact me on Thinkful
Contact me on Savvy

Social Networks

You can follow me in the following Social Networks:

Twitter Follow
GitHub Follow

Brief Intro!

A Web Developer, Graphic Designer and a User Experience Architect, almost completed with Masters in Cloud Computing from University of Leicester, with four years of Industrial Experience from a Multinational Company's Research wing.

I work on web technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery and also during my free time, I create web applications in PHP & MySQL, or one of Classic ASP & Access, ASP.NET & MSSQL, J2EE & Oracle, and Ruby on Rails & PostgreSQL. I love working on Microsoft products as well as dedicating to the Open Source Community!

Specialties: Web Consulting, Web Development, Software Development, Innovative Designs, Professional Training, Cloud Computing, and Game Engineering.

You can contact me at praveen [a@t] praveen [d.o.t] science (primary), praveen [a@t] praveen-kumar [d.o.t] org or praveen [a@t] praveen-kumar [d.o.t] uk.

Self Dabba!

I am good in these... ;)

Network Profiles