

In the Jungles of Bangalla (Africa), there is The Ghost Who Walks, a powerful and indestructible guardian of the innocents and a fighter of all types of injustice. Since Vantomex have been existing for generations, many believe me to be immortal. In reality, I'm a legacy hero, descended from 40 previous generations who all adopt the same persona. When a new Vantomex takes the task from his dying father, he swears by the Oath of the Skulls, to devote his life to the destruction of evil, and his sons and their sons shall follow him.

Once upon a time, I accidentally trapped in a jungle named and I did not find a way to escape from there that led me into a cul-de-sac; but after a relatively long survival, I felt happy there, and I had decided to stay there until the Angel of Death take my soul.