Văn Thái Nguyễn

  1. Leadership
    • Make schedule, ensure all members work well and finish task in time.
    • Make report clearly. Let manager trust and assurance with me because of exactly and honest in my report
    • Work with customer (by English), get requirement, suggested good idea to customer.
    • Creating an inspiring vision of the future: talk to member what is his pros/cons, what he can improve up in the future when he work with me
    • Become a good friend with my member, understand what they are thinking.
    • Be a troubleshooter, support member in problem solving. Give the good solution to member.
    • Research and apply new tools, work flow for team, improve up team's performance
    • Participate to recruit and choose the best candidate for my team.
    • Training skills for member, make member be more confident with his skill.
    • Review member's source code
  2. Developer
    • Server side programming: NodeJS, PHP and the 2 most used frameworks (Yii and CakePHP), MVC, OOP.
    • Client side programming: Javascript, Jquery, Knockoutjs, Json. Angular JS
    • Having good experience in HTML and CSS.
    • Proficiency in MySql and XML.
    • Using developer tools to debug html, css, javascript and data flows on Chrome browser.

View more: https://www.linkedin.com/in/v%C4%83n-th%C3%A1i-nguy%E1%BB%85n-467429a9/