

I've been mucking about with computers for over 30 years now.

My first computer was a commodore VIC 20, moved on to a speccy then a BBC model B, then an A3010 Archimedes then the eventual PC/Linux stuff.

I haven't touched an assembler for years, but could probably still get away with some 6502 or ARM assembly. For example, calling A90720EEFF makes a BBC B go "beep".

Learned C/C++ when I was younger and then moved on to Java at Univeristy and most of the work I've had since my career started has involved Java in some way.

I've worked in lots of different industry sectors (payment systems, certification, finance, online gaming, travel). These days, I'm contracting specialising in Java and Oracle Coherence.

Apart from being a techie I also do other stuff, but I won't bore you!