

A computer engineer and professional software developer with passion and expertise in creating rock-solid backend/server-side.

Language - Java, Kotlin, Javascript, Python

Framework - SpringBoot, Android Native, ReactNative

Database - MySQL, MongoDB, Redis

Have deep understanding of and previously worked with

  • Spring
    • Microservice architecture design, integration, and development
    • REST Api design and development
    • Spring Security, Cache
    • Oauth2 integration
    • Identity, Payment gateway, and other third-party software integration
  • Android

    • MVVM and MVP architecture
    • Data-driven Observer Pattern, Event-driven pattern
    • Dependency Injection with Dagger
  • Microservice

  • Oauth2, Keycloak, Caching, Apache Kafka, MQTT
  • Integration of JumioNetVerify, IDNow.
  • Integration of Stripe Payment, Noval Payment.
  • Solidity and Web3j