Brian Chandler


I've lived technology my whole life. My earliest memory was sitting down in the library behind an Apple IIe with a book about BASIC programming, and slowly typing in each line, until the computer asked me my name and responded back after entering it. That was in elementary school and I've been hooked ever since.

Front-end web development is my current focus. I'm very comfortable with HTML, CSS, Sass, and jQuery. I'm enjoying Bootstrap and looking into Gumby, Node.js, and Angular.js. I use Git to manage all my source code. I've coded in a LAMP environment and worked in the CodeIgniter framework.

I'm extremely comfortable in Linux and have a knack for teaching and guiding people towards discovering the same enjoyment I get from technology. My first distro was Redhat 4.0 in highschool, but my first exposure to a unix shell was at a much younger age (many thanks to RedBarn Data Systems.) That exposure is actually what drew me to Linux. I lived the BBS scene and ran Utopia BBS of Winston-Salem. I remember having to collect IPs and phone numbers, slip/slurp, and the awesomeness that was Archie and Gopher. :)