

Hi, I’m an analytical and business-minded Data Scientist and Machine Learning Engineer.

I specialize in providing you with valuable business insights by:

• Using data science, data analytics and visualization, machine learning, predictive modeling, business intelligence, and artificial intelligence

• Drawing upon Finance, Business, and Statistical domain knowledge to create comprehensive predictive and insightful models

• Using 4+ years of experience using Python and Python's scientific stack: Numpy, Scipy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Scikit-learn

• Using the following Machine Learning techniques: Linear and Logistic Regression, Decision trees, Random Forests, NLP, AdaBoost, KNN, K-Means Clustering, and SVM

• Using the following AI techniques: Kalman and Particle Filters, Search, Robot Planning, A*, PID Control for robot motion, PID Control SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping), Frames, Case-Based Reasoning, and Means-Ends Analysis

• Utilizing knowledge and experience gained from an M.Sc. in Computer Science from the top worldwide ranking Georgia Tech (#8 US News & World Report) and a B.Sc. in Physics and Physiology with a Minor in (Business) Management from top-ranking McGill University

• Using the following Languages and Tools: Python, R, SQL, Spark, Java, PHP, SSIS, Jupyter, Tableau, Amazon Web Services, Excel, Github, Linux, Security

• Using my strong communication skills