

I'm a software engineer specializing in large-scale distributed systems design and development. My particular forté is developing software frameworks that enable other developers to rapidly develop new processes to extend the functionality of distributed systems. The last framework I created was to facilitate the development of automated equity trading systems components and it is actively in use today.

I regularly program in a variety of popular programming languages, including C/C++, Java, JavaScript (mostly server-side but I have experience developing full stack solutions), Python (both functional and O-O), Go, bash and a handful of other languages. I do everything from one-off shell scripts to the aforementioned distributed systems to fully containerized systems and I've even designed rack-mounted appliances for use as edge nodes in a well-known large scale data distribution network. And cracked the telemetry of a Soviet sea-skimming anti-ship missile. True story. And co-developed one of the first ever email system prototypes. Also, true story. And co-wrote the first ever client-facing FIX engine. All true stories, too long to fit in a two-page résumé/curriculum vitae.

My current pet projects include:

  • A tool to generate C from C++ and vice versa, and to generate bindings for other languages that accept C libraries as plugins/extensions.
  • An API that may be used to create IDE and SCM plugins that store source code in a universal format and display it according to rules defined by individual developers.

I'd love to complete at least one of these projects, but perhaps just thinking about the problem domain is enough.