Sebastian Gabriel Vinci


I'm a proactive, responsible and perfectionist developer. I'm always eager to learn something new and face new challenges.

Mostly, I've worked with JVM languages, such as Java, Scala and Groovy, lately mostly in Scala, but I also worked with Python, often to automate processes such as functional tests, builds and deployments.

I have strong experience with enterprise web projects, both as a backend and frontend developer. I've worked with technologies such as Play! Framework, Spring MVC, Struts, Scalatra, Django and more. I've integrated with many DB systems, but mostly with MySql (both MariaDB and pure MySql Server) and MongoDB.

On my spare time, I write articles for Web Code Geeks and Java Code Geeks, mostly about Python lately. This is something I'm very excited about as it's a great oportunity to force me to learn something new and practice my english.