Barry Holroyd


By profession, I'm a long time software engineer with many years as both a developer and a manager (VP/Director). My technical focus is currently Android. I love almost everything about it -- its reliance on Linux as the underlying platform, its use of Java as its primary language, its ever-expanding presence across the world and in new markets and its generally open approach to the code base and markets in general. Fun, fun, fun.

Personally, I read a lot across many subjects. One of the most enjoyable and interesting to me is the intersection of spirituality and theoretical physics. A lot of people are mystified by this perspective, but for me both are very pertinent to "Who/what am I?", the ultimate existential question which I believe is the central one for most people's spiritual/religious quests (including mine). Eastern spirituality, in particular, deals with this question directly and deeply. Theoretical physics deals with it less directly, but in a very logical fashion. I find that the information coming out of theoretical physics regarding the the nature of consciousness, time and fundamental limits in the Universe are all extremely interesting and, because they deal with the nature of reality, very often pertinent to who/what I am and how I fit into the greater nature of things.

I also enjoy volleyball, skiing and good beer.