Lawrence Aiello


My career began by wanting a faster computer.

I researched how to build a PC from scratch, bought the parts, and at 15 years old I had built my first computer. I was hooked.

I realized from that point that I had an ability to not only learn complex concepts quickly, but that I could also practically apply those concepts to solve difficult problems. To me, the most interesting problems are in the cloud. I am currently a consultant at 2nd Watch so that I get to work on these problems with companies large and small and help them transition to this new and innovative way of doing computer work.

My experiences thus far has also taught me that people are just as important as the computers are. Helping people achieve what they want is my passion, and with the ubiquity of software systems today, there are a countless amount of ways this can be realized. The future will be one of coexistence between man and machine, and it inspires me to get better at computer software craftsmanship every day.

AKA/Misspellings: Lawrence Aiello

Specialties: Python, Distributed Systems, AWS Development & Deployment, DevOps, CI/CD, Terraform